Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Types Of Aggregate

Their four main types of aggregate available :-

1.) Heavy weight Aggregate 
2.) Normal Aggregate 
3.) Light weight Aggregate
4.) Special aggregate

1.) Heavy weight Aggregate :-

     -Density is very high occupier with normal aggregate ( 4000 to 8500 kg/m3 )

    -It is giving necessary protection against ex-rays, gamma rays neutron and weight footing sub-mage pipe line etc..
    - It is frequently difficult with heavy weight aggregate to obtained a mixed which is both workable and pron to sagrigation 

4.) Special aggregate

Environmental consideration increasingly effecting the supply of aggregate their are strong objection opening of pits as well as Cory's
- as a same time their are problems with this goes a lot construction demolition rate and dumping of domestic waist 
their for both types of waist can be processed in to aggregates for using concrete and this is increasingly being done in number of waist countries
-recycle aggregate are expected to using future.     

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