Saturday, December 23, 2017

Construction Site Safety

Introduction of safety

The aim of monitoring safety on site is to avoid injuries arising from construction activities. Generally many companies have prepared the Safety Plan. This will be implemented in order to protect all personnel at site minimize the risk of accidents and incidents that could result in injury. In terms of our Safety Plan, it needs all levels of implementation and co-ordination in order to militate against risk and assure that adequate standards safety is maintained throughout the duration of the project. It will be a priority in all daily activities, undertakings and endeavors to ensure the safety of workers, the public and other persons directly or indirectly associated in this project. This safety measures will be continuously implemented throughout the duration of the project.

Responsibility of the officers about safety

Project Manager:

Overall responsibility for all health and safety matters on site.
Implement the safety Management system.
Ensure that all line management is conversant with the relevant requirements of current legislation and of the Safety Plan and that all managers are assigned duties and responsibilities to assist in its effective implementation.
Appoint a Safety Officer who shall be responsible to him.                

Safety Officer:

Ensure the safety plan is being correctly managed by Site Management and Subcontractors.
To write a maintain reports on-site inspections, audits and accident investigation.
To develop and maintain site safety training program.
To carry out regular liaison with Clients and Sub-contractors on safety matters.
To advise a promote safety and health on site by various means and in consultation with the Site Management.
Shall where necessary on behalf of the Project Manager to stop works, which he considers to be creating a hazard and risk.
To organize the safety proposals.
To keep records on safety CV of Safety Officer attached for review.

Higher management, Adm. Officer, Engineers:

Support to the Safety Officer and responsible for organizing works at site incompliance to the required safety standard.

All Personnel:
Shall take reasonable care on their own safety as well as that of others who may be affected by their actions or objectives at work.
Required to corporate with the management to achieve safety standard.
Encourage to proposed suggestions to improve health and safety at site to their immediate supervisor or Engineer or the Safety Officer.

Safe working procedures

Safety working procedures are written to ensure that site activities are properly controlled and executed safety and without risk to health.
The safe working procedures, which may be incorporated method statements shall be prepared and submitted for approval prior to commencement of activity.
All safety working procedures shall be clearly identified the objectives, the sequence of operations the foreseeable hazards and risks and the precautionary and protective measures required and be easily understood by the personnel who are to carry out the work. Procedures are to be included the control measures to reduce risks identified and methods of monitoring to ensure the control measures to reduce the risks identified, methods of monitoring to ensure the controls are applied.

Permission to Work

Where permits to work are required for specific operations such as entry into confined spaces, work in explosive of flammable atmosphere and special lifting operations shall be obtained approval by the Project Manager or persons authorized by him.
The Site Manager shall ensure that the issue of permits to work, and the work conducted under them is strictly controlled. Only competent person will authorize such permits

Safety equipment

All workers/staff shall wear helmet at site.
Bare foot, Sandals and slippers are prohibited at site.
Other Protective Wear
Safety belt shall be worn for following works
Structural steel erection, scaffolding erection, etc. at high place
Goggles shall be worn for following works
Chipping, Grinding, etc. in case small particles could be emitted.
Welding hoods shall be worn for following works
Welding, etc. in case harmful ray could be emitted.
Mask shall be worn for following works
Grinding/cutting concrete, etc. in case small particles could be emitted.

Prevention of Accidents Due to fall

In case of workers at heights safe scaffolding/platform shall be provided.
In case it is physically difficult to provide safe scaffolding/ plat form for works at heights, workers must use safety belt.
Opening which may cause fall shall be closed, or barrier.
Work at heights in strong wind and heavy rain is prohibited.
In case height /depth of working platform is more than 1 .5m, safe.
Facilities for going up and down shall be provided.
Prevention of Fire
Burning surplus materials within the site is prohibited.
Fire extinguishers shall be provided at appropriate interval with indication by signboard.
Contact Tel. No of nearest fire station shall be displayed at site & security office.
Flammable gas cylinder shall be kept at well-ventilated place.

First Aid

A first aid base shall be provided at our Site Office. An adequate number of first aid boxes shall be provided at various work locations.
Contact Tel. No .for calling safety officer shall be displayed at site office.
The first aid base shall be attended with a qualified first aid staff. The first aid base shall be for the use of Contractor’s all personnel employed, Engineer staff and Employer Contractors that needs immediate first aid treatment and other personnel directly or indirectly concerned with the project that requires first aid treatment.

Safety Signs

Safety Sign boards are demonstrate at site and some pictures are attached.
Following signs shall be provided at appropriate places according to the site situation/ progress.

Safety first                         No smoking

Wear Helmet                     Smoking area

Watch your head               Fire extinguisher

Safety access                     Dustbin

Other signs as required

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