Monday, December 11, 2017


Footings and foundations as having two functions:

To transfer the live and dead loads of the building to the soil over a large enough area so that neither the soil nor the building will move

In areas where frost occurs, to prevent frost from moving the building

Dead loads

Dead loads  are the weight of the building materials and the soil surrounding the foundations

Live loads

Live loads  include the weight of people, furniture, snow, rain, and wind. Wind may be a vertical force downward, a horizontal force, or an uplift force.

A live load may also be exerted by water in the soil around the foundations Wet soil exerts much more force than dry soil. Frozen soil exerts much more force than wet soil.

Soil Pressure on Foundation Walls :-

The function of footing and foundation systems varies with location. Perimeter foundations have to resist the lateral thrust of soil outside the foundation wall. Interior foundations and footings under columns, for example

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