Monday, December 11, 2017

Soil Quality Is the Key


Buildings rely on the soil beneath them to stay put. If the soil under the house moves up, down, or sideways, the house is in trouble. Designers of homes may know quite a bit about the soil conditions at a site and may design the building exactly for those conditions. More commonly, soil conditions are assumed to be a certain type, and footings and foundations are designed with a margin of safety to account for adverse soil conditions, within reasonable limits. Occasionally we guess wrong and the building moves, but for an average site, it costs more to find out how good the soil is over the whole site than to design a system that will work on most soils.

Soil types and order of their bearing capacity:

1. Bedrock
2. Gravel
3. Coarse sand
4. Fine sand
5. Clay
 6. Silt 
7. Organic material

Bearing Strength of Soils

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