Saturday, December 9, 2017



    A flow chart of the dry process of manufacture is given in below. The raw materials (limestone and shale, etc.) are crushed at the quarry to about 1 in. Size and then conveyed to the works where they are air-dried and ground by raw-meal grinding mills to an extremely fine powder. The mills are normally of ball or edge runner type. The raw meal is then transferred to the raw meal blending silos where the promotion of raw materials are checked and adjusted as required, the meal being mixed either mechanically or by the vigorous entry in quantity of compressed air through the floors of the blending silos.

   The raw meal is then passed to the granulator which comprises an inclined rotating dish or drum into which the raw meal is admitted and on to which about 14 per cent of water is sprayed. The addition of  the water causes the meal to from into nodules which are passed into a preheater, one type of which is a moving grate heated by the hot gases emitted from the kiln. In the preheater the nodules are backed dry before entering the upper end of the kiln.

 The kiln itself is similar in construction and in manner of support to that used in the wet-process except that it is  shorter, there being far less heat exchange to perform. Clinker is discharged from the lower end of the kiln as in the wet-process,and from the stage onwards the procedure for grinding,storage, and  packing is as before.

 flow chart of the dry process of manufacture   

Source from :-
                                             OSCAR FABER'S
                                   REINFORCED CONCRETE

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