Saturday, December 9, 2017



You've probably used a computer to do word processing. Type a letter, print it out, and then send the printout to someone you love. If you have easy access to a computer, then you've probably surfed the web. Visit a page, click a link, and see another page.It's easy , right ?

well, it's only because some one told the computer exactly what to do.If you take a computer right from the factory and give no instruction to this computer , the computer can't do word processing ,the computer can't surf the web, it can't do anything. All a computer can do is follow the instructions that people give to it.

Now imagine that you're   using Microsoft word to write a novel or story, and you come to the end of line ( you'r not at the end of sentence, just end of line). As you type the next word , the computer's cursor jumps automatically to the next line of type. What's going on here ?

Well, someone wrote a computer program - a set of instructions telling the computer what to do. Another name for a program ( or part of program) is code. The figure below shows you what some of Microsoft Word's code may look like.

A few lines of a computer program

Somebody has to write code of the kind shown above. This code,along with millions of other lines of code, makes up the program called Microsoft word.

And what about Web surfing? You click a link that's supposed to take you directly to Behind the scenes, someone has written code of the following kind:
      Go to<a href=>26stream</a>

One way or another, someone has to write a program. That someone is called a programmer.


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